My life with the Mexican Santa cartel. Olfmusic joined the Santa cartel. He is a Parisian producer living in the 93rd district. The ghetto is like his second home. He establishes connections with Mexican cartels. On a daily basis, Olfmusic manages a certain Adonis Creed. He decides to travel to South America to feature Adonis. The rest is the discovery of the Mexican cartel.
Santa Cartel Story!
Olfmusic joined the Santa cartel through one of his friends. Even before setting foot on Mexican soil, his friend tells him an anecdote. One day, his friend’s father accidentally hit a poor pedestrian. He called the police and waited. A few minutes later, a judicial police officer arrived with unlimited nonchalance. To his surprise, the officer asked him, “Why didn’t you leave?” His friend’s father replied, “What do you mean?” The police officer told him, “You’re making too much work for me, get out of here!” In the end, he left, and they never tried to catch him.

Upon arriving on Mexican soil, Olfmusic can wander freely. He is not yet affiliated with the Costa cartel. Shortly after, the boss of the cartel gives him a map. The boss is Babo, a revered figure in Mexico who is as popular as a television star. There are crosses marked on certain areas. He explains that now he is close to Santa. If he leaves the cartel’s territory, he could be kidnapped or killed. However, the Frenchman tells us about an eerie atmosphere: “When you arrive at the cartel, you can feel the poverty and the malevolent spirits. Fifteen-year-old children are armed. The cartel men carry weapons of war.”
He exclaims, “You come here with the biggest thug from the 93rd district, and he’s licking their feet after 20 minutes.” Nobody acts foolishly here. Before entering the cartel, he meets “the beast,” the boss’s enforcer, and spends a few minutes with him.
Santa Cartel : A completely corrupt police force !
So Adonis and Oflmusic collaborate on two features in Mexico. The first one is with a certain Millonario, who has just been released from prison for murder, and the second one is with the stunning Barbarella, who is also the daughter of the boss of the Santa Cartel. OflMusic recounts, “I wasn’t feeling well. When we wanted to shoot the Barbarella music video, we were escorted by bodyguards. There were guns everywhere. I was under pressure.” But the cartel welcomes him like a king. Unlike the music world in France, everyone makes gestures. No one asks him for a single penny for the features or the music. He is very well received!
However, the producer talks about a thoroughly corrupt police force at all levels surrounding the Cartel. One day, he takes a bike ride and is chased by police officers. He reaches the Cartel, and the cops follow him, insinuating that he’ll be set free if he gives them 3000 pesos. Even worse, when a crime is committed, the murderer can buy their way out of prison for a sum of 150,000 pesos. Generally, the police work closely with the cartels. Oflmusic is told that when the police arrest a drug dealer, they ask which Cartel they belong to. If they’re not from their territory, they are taken to the local Cartel.
During the filming of the music video, Oflmusic enters a convenience store. A man follows him and asks him to buy a bottle of water for him. As he leaves, he realizes that the man recognizes him as French. The man stops and looks him up and down. But seeing that Oflmusic is well accompanied, he walks away. Oflmusic claims, “He had some shady intentions.” This experience in South American cartels surely made the Frenchman put things into perspective regarding the French ghetto…
Here is the music video shot at the Santa Cartel: